Welcome tothegame.com
ToTheGame.com was launched on September 1st 2001. From that moment on, we have been working with the vision of becoming The Gamesite on the web you visit in order to obtain all the latest information on specific games. ToTheGame covers nearly all retail games for PC and consoles available on the market.
- Localized boxshots/packshots
- Localized factsheets
- Localized release dates
- Screenshots
- Videos
- Game editions details
- General gameinfo (developer, publisher ++)
In order to achieve this goal, we are frequently in touch with developers, publishers and distributors to bring out the newest, most accurate and updated information
available on the web.
Game-release dates are given in regards to UK and Nordic conditions, and in most cases this will also concur with other release dates.
All of our release columns are updated live and as of this current date,
there are count
retail games in our database. We hope our site will meet up to your expectations, and would
very much appreciate your feedback regarding improvements that will make ToTheGame even more informative towards our users.